Mijia Nail Clipper – Gunting Kuku Stainless Steel
Rp 49.000
Mijia Nail Clipper – Gunting Kuku Stainless Steel
–Mijia Newest nail clippers set includ nail clippers features a shell case to trap clippings for no-mess toenail fingernail cutting grooming.
–Nail Clippers designed with a catcher to prevent nails from splashing everywhere in process of nails clipping, these can keep your room clean and give you a good no-mess life!
–Clippers are made up of superior quality stainless steel with sufficiently sharp blades , sharpened stainless steel blades cut thick nails smoothly and easily , preventing nail splitting and the toenails.
–These Nail Clippers made with sturdy zinc alloy stainless steel precision blades and Anti-Slip lever, strong, durable and rust proof. these Nail Clipper lets you distant from bending and slipping problem, delivering a more confident clip every time.
–XIAOMI MIJIA nail trimmer set shaped and sized specifically for trimming fingernails or toenails with optimum accuracy.
Brand: Mijia
Color: White
Material : 420 Stainless Steel Nail Clipper
PC+ABS Shell Case
Weight: 22g
Size : 61.5x 13.5x 14.2mm
Executive standard : QB/T 1815-2002
Package included:
1 X Mijia nail clipper
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