LeFan Leravan Eye Massager Alat Terapi Kacamata Pijat
Rp 1.149.000
?Product Name: LF Eye Massager
Model: LF-Y001
Weight: about 490g
Rated power: 5W
Rated voltage: 5V
Product size: 219mmx72mmx111mm
Executive standard: GB4706.1-2005 GB4706.10-2008
Three-dimensional eye protection | Temple massage | Gesture control | Detachable cleaning
Built-in soothing music, stereo surround relaxation, automatic playback when you turn on, let you feel like you are in nature and enjoy the eye spa, relax your body and mind
Wireless portable, long-lasting battery life. Enjoy free massage
Detachable cleaning massage head, clean and worry free
Le Fan launches an eye massager to alleviate these unwanted effects.
This massager, uses 14 elastic silicone heads, which provide a three-dimensional massage.
The heads precisely cover 7 acupuncture points located around the eyes and deeply relax the area.
The surface layer of the heads is made of Q-elastic gel, which simulates the natural sensation of the skin on the fingers.
It also incorporates relaxing and enveloping music, stereo, so that the moment of relaxation is complete.
With a full charge of 2 hours it reaches an autonomy of 100 minutes, which if you calculate 2 massages a day of 5 minutes each, can fulfill about 10 days of use.
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